With this season comes the ritual of gift-giving, between family, friends, loved ones and even complete strangers. It is times like these when I feel extraordinarily fortunate to live in Santa Fe, a city of creative people and wonderful homegrown businesses. Because of this, gift-giving is an extra special tradition for me, one in which great thought and meaning are behind every gift, no matter how small.
At Samuel Design Group, it is the local artisans and craftsmen as well as various Santa Fe business owners who make the authenticity of this business possible. I have committed myself and my work to designing custom furniture pieces for my clients that have meaning and thought behind them along with the heart and soul of the many talented local artisans and craftsmen.
Knowing exactly where the furniture and other design accessories come from is comforting for me and for my clients. The work of the locals is of the highest quality imaginable with a unique style that always reaches beyond my expectations.
Help Your Community Thrive
Local small businesses are a necessity to Santa Fe, as well as every other community around the world. They are the building blocks of bigger things. Without these creative people, cities lose their authenticity. A world without authenticity is one I do not wish to live in.
So when you’re ready to do your holiday shopping, please think local. To hold in your hand a local product leaves a lingering feeling of raw satisfaction and genuine love. This is the kind of gift I hope you’ll give.